Sunday, September 28, 2014

Stupid State Laws - Florida 14

Here comes another post about a state law that still exists on the books and why it is ridiculous (to see them all, click here):


"It is illegal for an owner of a store to allow another person to pass out free ducklings in front of the store."

Of course it's illegal for an owner to allow someone to hand out free baby ducks in front of their store.....what?  Unless those baby ducks are riddled with disease, why in the hell would this be illegal?  If anything, it should be illegal to NOT be handing out free baby ducks in front of every store.  I honestly don't know if that last sentence made any sense, let's try again.  It should be a law that every store in Florida has to have someone handing out free baby ducks in front of their stores.  Better?  No?  Screw you.  Either way, this law is just another example of why Florida truly needs to get their priorities straight.  They have way too many problems to be outlawing free baby duck hand-outs.

"Rookie, what exactly is a duckling?"
"It's a baby duck, Sarge.  You knew that, right?"
"Of course rookie!  Now arrest this idiot."
"The law says the owner of the store is the offender is this case."
"Good, that was a test, just like the duckling question."

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