Friday, November 30, 2012

The Reverse Sling-Shot

A couple of months ago, I wrote about certain Rules of the Road everyone should follow.  If you read that post (and if you didn't, go ahead and do so, I can wait), then you need to look at Rule 5 again because I figured out a way to easily get around those drivers.  In case you are too lazy to read it, Rule 5 states "Do Not Accelerate if Someone is Trying to Pass You".  If you drive regularly on the Interstate, this probably happens all the time.  You are happily driving along at a set speed when you come upon a lone car.  As soon as you try to pass the only other driver on the road, that jerk suddenly speeds up and either matches your speed or goes slightly faster only to slow down and then repeat the process over and over until you want to hit him and rid the world of that driver's stupidity.  Usually this idiot is either on their cell phone or talking to someone else in the car (or a woman) and because they are not paying attention to the road, they subconsciously speed up or slow down as you try to pass them.  Well, there is good news, I found a solution in order to get past this blowhard with minimal effort.

The usual way most people try to accomplish passing one of these stupid drivers is by going 20 to 30 miles per hour over the speed limit until the idiot realizes how fast they are going and slows down.  However, there is a much easier way that won't result in a possible speeding ticket - it's what I call The Reverse Sling-Shot.  As soon as you have identified that the car you are trying to pass is one of these incompetent drivers, follow these steps:
  1. Don't speed up, slow down.
  2. Now, since we know the other idiot driver is going to slow down with you, you wait until they get about parallel with your car, then you hit the accelerator.
  3. Because the other driver is not actually paying attention to what they are doing, their momentum will be going in the wrong direction and you should very easily be able to blow right past them.
  4. Once you have passed them, they will resume the speed their going before you tried to pass them in the first place.
I'm telling you, this method works like a charm and has been scientifically proven.  Well, maybe not by a real scientist and maybe not in a lab, but every time I come upon this situation, it does the trick and that is all the science I need.

"And if that doesn't work, I suggest you just go ahead and do this.  It will definitely make you feel better."

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