Tuesday, April 10, 2012

Rules of the Road

Alright, I am going to set the record straight on a couple rules that should be common sense but for some reason, people don't seem to understand when driving.  Most of these apply to driving on the Interstate, so here we go:
  1. When passing another car on the Interstate, do NOT go only one mile per hour faster than the other car.  It seems like every time this happens both cars are going way under the speed limit and as soon as they hit a hill, the passing car seems to lose all ground it gained yet still doesn't get the hint that they should give up and try again later so that the mile long line of cars behind them can get past them.
  2. Do NOT drive within a car's length of the car in front of you (unless you are trying to get a person breaking Rule No. 1 to drive faster).  This can only led to disaster in fast traffic (that's what I call traffic that is going over 50 mph).
  3. When driving on the Interstate, do NOT just cruise in the passing lane especially if you are going under the speed limit.  It's called the passing lane for a reason and all you are doing is making faster cars go around you in the slow lane for no explainable reason.
  4. Do NOT vary your speed more than about 5 miles per hour.  Nothing drives me more insane than watching someone who I just passed fly by me only to have me pass them again in a couple of minutes, then rinse and repeat.
  5. Do NOT accelerate if someone is trying to pass you.  I don't know if people do this because they think driving is some sort of competition, but if you are being passed, just accept it and don't speed up.
  6. Limit your time talking on a cell phone while driving.  This is the most important rule of all because people who talk on their cell phone while driving tend to break all of the rules above without even noticing and usually break a multitude of other rules as well.  Lay off the phone and listen to the damned radio instead.
"So that's what that thing is for, I've always wondered about that."

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