Sunday, April 27, 2014

Stupid State Laws - Alabama 4

Here comes another post about a state law that still exists on the books and why it is ridiculous (to see them all, click here):


"Bear wrestling matches are prohibited."

Shenanigans!!!  Now, my first question is - are bear-on-bear wrestling matches prohibited or are bear-on-man wrestling matches prohibited?  Because that makes a huge difference and might offer up some rednecks a huge loophole for their underground bear wrestling matches.  I'm hoping bear-on-bear matches are still legal.  While that would be inhumane, it would be awesome.  Okay, while a law against these such matches might exist because the spectators might get injured if the match gets out of hand, but last I checked, I've seen people get hurt at golf tournaments when struck in the head by a crappy drive.  Or what about NASCAR races where a tire flies into the stands?  I don't see a law against that.  Oh yeah, this is Alabama, their priorities are 1) college football, 2) NASCAR, and 3) getting drunk, no wonder there isn't a law that would hurt their precious left-turning races.  In any case, I do find it hilarious that so many bear wrestling matches happened that they actually had to make it illegal.  Alabama, you are priceless.

"Get in there and break it up, rookie."

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