Friday, April 4, 2014

Trailer Movie Review - Captain America 2

This is not a review of the trailer, but a review of this movie based entirely on this movie's trailer.  I have a special talent of being able to figure out whether a movie will be any good based just on the trailer and I'm finally putting that talent to good use.  Screw you, it's a real talent.

This is a movie produced by Marvel and so far, they haven't let us down, so that's a good thing for this movie.  The problem I have about this movie is its release date.  Nothing good ever comes out in early April and the big blockbusters usually don't start coming out until early May.  However, I'm hoping they are just trying to pull a "Christmas Creep" on us and releasing things earlier and earlier, you know, kind of like how Christmas seems to start earlier each year.

Anyways, on to the trailer.  I used the extended trailer above because I think that gives you a better idea of what this movie is bringing to the table and that something looks awesome.  The action scenes look great, Scarlett Johansson is looking good, and it looks like they are going against the norm and are only giving us one villain in a sequel.  Seriously, that might be a first.  However, if I had to guess based on the trailer, Robert Redford might actually be a bad guy, so don't be surprised when I nail that little prediction.  Only by seeing the trailer, I'm going to recommend seeing this movie while in the theater.

What Kind of Fart This Movie Will Resemble:

The Relief Fart - Sound or odor don't matter on this one. What matters is the tremendous sense of relief that you have finally farted. Some people will even say, "Wow, what a relief." Very common.

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