Wednesday, October 9, 2013

Why Can't I Get Out of Walmart?

Why the hell are the Entrance and Exit doors at Walmart the opposite from the rest of the country?  Everything in America is based on doing stuff on the right.  Drive on the right.  Emergency turn on the right.  First in flight was the Wright brothers.  So why does Walmart put their entrance on the left?  Now I am walking across people leaving to get in the store - and that is if everyone is doing it correctly.  I can only assume that this was done because of a multi-million dollar study designed to make everyone spend an extra penny thus making the owners billions of dollars.  Jerks.  Here is how I see it.  The executives figure that people are nervous/scared/embarrassed to go to Walmart because they are feeding the man and putting all little mom and pop shops out of business so before you go in they want to shake you up a little to forget those bad things.  They do this by making you run into people.  I would not be surprised if the supply closet also has 'women's restroom' on it just to mess you up even more.  When you get in the store you are disoriented into buying a 1,000 bars of soap instead of the one bar you needed.  It's .007 cents less per bar - how can you pass this up?  That is the thinking that running into people causes.  Clearly thinking people do not care about these things and actually consider how you will store 1,000 bars of soap.  Stupid Walmart.  I hate you.


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