Take this list for example. Three speakers, a doorbell ipod combination (what!?!?), a pedometer, and a backpack. Take out the doorbell thing, which I both want and think is the biggest waste of $50 ever, and this list would have been considered to be in the technological realm in 1876. Seriously. The first speaker was invented in 1876 by Alexander Graham Bell as part of his telephone and in the next 100+ years we have improved this by.......getting rid of wires and making them louder. Not good enough to stay categorized as technology. Also the pedometer was invented over 200 years ago - who knew?
There is a separate category for 90% of all gifts classified as "tech" - Electronics. Unless it does something way cool or interesting we should no longer allow Technology gift lists to include earphones, speakers, TVs, computers, cameras, and watches. DO some work, list people - there is cool crap out there. Tech gifts should all be stuff that a 30 year old sees and thinks, "That's pretty neat" and not "I already have three of those that are basically the same thing" or "No one wants that...Ever".
"The next big thing in tech gifts." |
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