Friday, June 7, 2013

Same Dad Same Week

Alright, I generally only watch sitcoms or some sort of comedy show on TV.  But if I do watch something that is not a comedy, I really don't like tuning into those shows that are what I call "rinse and repeat" shows.  Basically that means that each week there is a new crime/murder/ailment that the characters have to solve by the end of the show and there really is no deviation from this basic formula.  Those shows get really boring after awhile and it's the reason I never watched CSI or any of those types of shows.  A couple of the non-comedies I do like include Game of Thrones, Dexter, and Shameless.  They have something new happen it each week that doesn't involve solving crimes or whatever and it keeps the show fresh (even though Dexter can sometimes feel like the same thing each episode).  However, there is one "rinse and repeat" show I do watch and that is Castle.  I think the only reason I watch this show is because Nathan Fillion is awesome and anything he is on is worth watching.

In any case, one of the subplots of the show is that Castle has never met his father and in an episode that came on a couple of weeks ago, Castle finally meets his secret operative father played by James Brolin.  It was a pretty good episode and Mr. Brolin was a great choice to play his dad.  However, later that week I was watching Community, the underrated show about a group of misfits at a community college that NBC seems to want to cancel but never actually does.  In that show, Joel McHale's character also has an estranged father and in that week's episode, we finally met his father played by......James Brolin.  Two shows, two estranged fathers, one actor.  I found that really weird.  Was it that both shows hired the guy not knowing he had done the same character on the other show?  Or does Hollywood not have anyone else to play a father character other than James Brolin?  I don't know what happened here, but I felt like I should point it out because it really confused me and I actually had to look it up to make sure that it really was the same guy playing the same character on two different shows.  Once again, I guess all this really proves is that Hollywood is one big pile of originality.

"He does look like a good guy to play someone's dad though."

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