Friday, August 10, 2012

Mason and the Buoys

Alright, it's Friday and I have another amusing story about my awesome nephew Mason.  My sister and the family recently enjoyed a week at the beach.  Well, while there the whole crew was in the car when they passed over a bridge and Mason spotted a buoy.  However, instead of saying the usual kid thing like "What is that, Mommy?" or "Why?", Mason said, "Hey look, it's a booby!".  And naturally, my sister and her husband busted out laughing at this comment.  Not knowing exactly why his parents were laughing (or did he?), Mason ran with it and every time he saw a buoy the rest of the week, he would yell out "Booby!" as loud as he could.  So, this became a running joke the whole trip.  At one point, this conversation happened between Mason and the dad of one of the other families:

Mason - "Mr. Mike, can I go touch the boobies?"
Mr. Mike - "Uhhh, which ones are you talking about, Mason?"
Mason - "The red boobies."
Mr. Mike - "Well, there are plenty of sunburned boobies around, so I say go for it."
Mason - "You don't want to touch them with me?"
Mr. Mike - (looks at my sister who is falling over laughing) "Maybe I should ask my wife first."

It wasn't until my sister explained to him what Mason was referring to that he finally relaxed and realized he wasn't in trouble.  The funniest buoy moment happened as they were leaving for home when Mason saw his last buoy and said, "Daddy, look, a white booby", then my brother-in-law probably swelled with pride and had a single tear rolling down his cheek and responded with a "Thatta boy."  Next week, I will tell you guys about Mason and his alligator friend, stay tuned.

"I can only imagine that Mason just saw another 'booby', that's usually how I excited I get, too."

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