Wednesday, August 29, 2012

NASCAR Drivers and Their Drinks

I always find it hilarious when I see a post-race interview with a NASCAR driver and they conveniently have  a Coke in their hand with the label perfectly placed to show the camera what they are drinking.  I find it funny because the last thing in the world a guy would want to drink after driving for four hours while sweating his ass off is a Coke.  I understand they do it because they get paid out the ass for it, but why hasn't Gatorade gotten into this market?  I feel like they are totally missing out on a big segment of the population who could be drinking a beneficial beverage after waking up from their latest hangover (and yes, I am implying that NASCAR fans are dumb drunks and no, I don't watch NASCAR even though I am both dumb and a drunk).  Gatorade is big into hocking their product into the sports market and since NASCAR is technically a "sport", wouldn't it make since for them to try and sell their drink to racing fans?  Hell, why hasn't Dale Jr approached Gatorade with this idea?  His undeserved status could sell multiple truckloads to his inebriated fan base in a week.  Anyways, I find it hilarious when drivers drink a Coke after a race when you know they are screaming inside for a glass of water.

"Plus imagine having to clean up after a driver slings Coke all over the place, things will be all sticky and not the fun sticky like after sex.  I am doing sex correct, right?"

1 comment:

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