Sunday, September 23, 2012

Stupid State Laws - Georgia 2

Here comes another post about a state law that still exists on the books and why it is ridiculous (to see them all, click here) and just so you know, I found another hilarious law from the state of Georgia, so we will be revisiting this state today:

Kennesaw, Georgia

"Every head of household must possess a firearm of some kind."

Whoa, that's kind of awesome, but hilariously unenforceable.  Fellow Brainfart contributor, Alex, told me about this law and sure enough, it exists.  I really wish I was a cop in Kennesaw and tasked with the job of going door-to-door asking people if they would present their firearms.  And I really want to know how many arrests I would have to make.  What do you think the percentage of people with firearms is?  I'm glad you asked because I looked it up and the answer is roughly 45%.  So, that would mean that if I was a cop in Kennesaw, I would be throwing cuffs on over half the population.  How hilarious is that?  Also, do you think if you were asked to produce your firearm and you literally set your arm on fire, would that be sufficient?  I hope so, because otherwise that would be a waste of awesome improvising.

"I see you have your firearm, ma'am, carry on."

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