Sunday, July 28, 2013

Stupid State Laws - South Carolina

Here comes another post about a state law that still exists on the books and why it is ridiculous (to see them all, click here):

South Carolina

"It is perfectly legal to beat your wife on the court house steps on Sundays."

An oldie but a goldie.  If I owned a time machine I would first go back to when dinosaurs roamed the Earth and capture myself a new pet stegosaurus.  But after that, I would go back in time to when people actually used this law to their advantage just to see if crowds gathered on Sundays at the court house to watch the wife beatin' show.  This really is hilarious only because it shows you how stupid people were not that long ago.  Also, I really want to know if this was the only time and place it was legal to beat your wife.  For example, would a husband (we'll call him Colonel Mustard) be arrested if he beat his wife (we'll say with a candlestick) on a Tuesday in his house (we'll say it was in the parlor room)?  Or what if Colonel Mustard beat his wife on a Sunday but didn't quite make it all the way to the court house steps before he started swinging?  I feel like these are some really legitimate questions that need answers immediately.

"It goes without saying that if this was your wife, this does not apply to you b/c beating her would end poorly for you.  Also, how many of our Southern readers instantly made this their desktop picture?"

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