Friday, February 28, 2014

Best Picture Oscar Winner Trend?

The Academy Awards will be presented on Sunday and I noticed something strange.  A lot of the movies up for Best Picture seem to have come out during the last few months of the year.  So, I took it upon myself to do a little research and find out how many of the past Best Picture winners were released in the last three months of the year they won their award.  And let's just say that I might be on to something.  In my research, I looked up the last 20 winners' release dates and this is what I found:

  • Jan-Mar:  2
  • Apr-Jun:  4
  • July-Sept:  2
  • Oct-Dec:  12

BOOM!!!  That's what I call a trend.  And I'm not the only one who seems to have figured this out, check out this year's Best Picture Nominee's release dates:

Yeah, all of them came out within the last three months of the year and I don't think that is a coincidence.  In other words, the Academy picked the nominees based on the movies that they saw more recently because they are still fresh in their minds opposed to something that came out eight months ago.  There is a reason that Fruitville Station and The Butler got hosed out of a nomination even though they were critically acclaimed when they were released.

In conclusion, if we are going to base this year's winner based off of release date, then you should bet on The Wolf of Wall Street which came out on Christmas day, the latest of all of the nominees.  I'm sorry I ruined the Oscars for you, suck it up.

"I would have picked it based on her eyes alone.  So sexy."

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