Friday, June 29, 2012

Mason and the Frog

It's Friday and that means another story about my awesome nephew Mason.  First off, my sister and her husband bought a house with a pool a couple of years ago and because someone has to clean it, my sister does it to keep busy.  One day, both of Mason's brothers where in school (and we will just have to assume at this point that Mason has already been kicked out of school for whatever awesome reason) and my sister was emptying the skimmers when she found a huge frog.  And because like most people, she doesn't like to touch slimy things like frogs, snakes, or anything like that, but Mason took it upon himself to grab it.  He then put it in an empty cooler, grabbed a beach chair out of the garage, and set up shop at the top of the driveway.  Why the top of the driveway you ask?  It was there that every time a car drove by, he would grab the frog and show it off with one hand and wave with the other.  Yup, he thought the world should see his new froggy friend, so he did it the only way his 5 year old mind could think of.  Now imagine that instead of a frog, it was a dinosaur.  That be more fitting of Mason, now wouldn't it?

"Mason with some other frogs he caught.  I wonder if he tried to teach them how to swim."

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