Tuesday, June 5, 2012

MTV Movie Awards

Why do the MTV Movie Awards exist?  Seriously, why?  When whatever shitty Twilight movie that came out that year has won the Best Movie Award for four straight years, how can you call that an award and not a popularity contest?  For god's sake, the only thing I know about the Twilight universe is that their vampires can go out in the sun and not only do they not instantly die but instead, they "sparkle".  How is it possible for a movie with such a terrible concept like that actually win the Best Movie Award?  The answer - because 13-year old girls are the ones voting for this garbage.  Do you know what other movies have won this award?  Menace II Society, Scream, and Napoleon Dynamite (an extremely overrated movie).  In no way should those movies ever even been nominated for an award that involves the words "Best Movie".  Also, Robert Pattinson was won two Best Performance Awards and that guy doesn't have a single acting bone in his entire body.  Do you know who else won a Best Performance Award?  Keanu Reeves for The Matrix.  Are you kidding me?  His most memorable line in that movie was "Whoa".

This year, The Hunger Games nearly swept every category it was nominated for and considering there are two more of those movies to go, you can already predict that it will win everything in the next two years.  Teenage girls are so stupid.  I think Tom Felton (he played Draco Malfoy in the Harry Potter movies) said it best when he won his second Best Villain Award, "This is very cool.  This will look very nice in my downstairs toilet".  In other words, he is putting that award where he puts the rest of his shit.  Literally.  And personally, I think that is quite fitting and should be the norm for all MTV Movie Awards.

"Why is he not bursting into flames?  It must be because he is so handsome....WHAT?!?!"

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