Friday, November 1, 2013

Kicker Problem

Fantasy football is fun.  Really really fun.  It allows you to not only follow your team, but have an investment in almost every NFL game all season.  With fantasy football the Monday night Jaguars v. Bills game suddenly becomes watchable without having to bet a sizable amount of money on it.  Fantasy football also starts getting very competitive, with many hours going into draft preparations and at least several hours a week each week during the season researching players to add and cut.  With all of this time and commitment put towards the cause of proving our NFL player knowledge, why the hell do we leave any part of it up to kickers!?!

In my fantasy playing experience, kickers make up about 10%, if not more, of everyone's total points for the week.  That is putting 10% of your reputation in the hands of weenie kids who probably wear glasses and LARP in their free time.  Kickers are not respected by the NFL community, so why are they in fantasy?  If a stupid soccer player could do your job, then you shouldn't be on a fantasy FOOTBALL team.  The other issue with kickers is their randomness.  Because of this no one drafts kickers until the last round of drafts because they are so random and any kicker is basically as good as any other - it just comes down to opportunity.  Losing a match-up because of your kicker doing terrible or your opponent's kicker going crazy is maddening.  Leaving your team to chance just doesn't make good sense.

With that said, why don't we eliminate kickers from fantasy football.  They do no good except expose their owners for being lucky or unlucky.  Take the chance out of fantasy and keep building a moderate team an actual skill.

"How is this is swinging your Fantasy Football match ups."

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