Tuesday, October 29, 2013

Are Comic Book Movies The New James Bond

How many Spider-Man movies have their been?  What about Batman?  Or Superman?  Or more importantly, how many more of each are we going to see in the future?  For Spider-Man, the fifth movie in the franchise will be coming out next summer with two more already set to come out 2016 and 2018.  And how many James Bond movies have there been?  The 25th will come out sometime in 2015.  So, my question is - are comic book movies setting themselves up to be like the James Bond series?  Both seem to be cranking out movie after movie.  Both have no problems getting a different actor to play the main character whenever audiences get tired of the current actor.  And both seem to make gobs of cash each time a new one comes out.  So, it really does seem to me that comic book movies are setting themselves up to make as many movies in the future as they feel like as long as people keep coming to see them.  Plus, comic book movies have tons of source material to work with when there are literally thousands of comic books based on the title characters from these movies.  I'm going to guess that yes, comic book movies are the new James Bond-like series.  As long as they don't pick a super weird story from the comic books to bring to the big screen, they could continue to make these movies for as long as they feel like no matter who is playing the hero....even if that actor is Ben Affleck.

"Spider-Man 17, Spider Harder."

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