Sunday, October 6, 2013

Stupid State Laws - Utah 3

Here comes another post about a state law that still exists on the books and why it is ridiculous (to see them all, click here):

Salt Lake City, Utah

"No one may walk down the street carrying a paper bag containing a violin."

Come on, Utah, this makes no sense whatsoever.  I could see walking on the street with a beer in a paper bag as being a crime, but a violin?  Why the hell not?  I've racked my brain to come up with any silly possible scenario in which this could be illegal and I honestly can't think of anything.  And if I can't come up with something stupid, then this law should not exist.  Period.  In what universe is carrying a violin in a paper bag a bad thing?  Does this mean it is okay to walk down the street with a violin not wrapped in anything?  And if that is not illegal, then why is carrying a violin in a paper bag bad?  Utah, get your shit together, this law is so stupid it pisses me off.

"It checks out, it's not paper.  You got lucky....this time."

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