Tuesday, October 1, 2013

Humanity's Future

Humans WILL go extinct.  You heard me.  There is absolutely nothing we can do to stop it.  Nothing.  Let's examine why I say this.

First off, there are a multitude of events that could cause humans to go extinct on our very own planet.  There is the always scary nuclear extinction.  But let's say that humans solve their differences and war ceases to exist, then we have our own planet to contend with.  A super-virus could wipe us out or a super-volcano could erupt and kill off all plant life which would result in starvation.  Then there is the fact that humans can't seem to stop spreading and food shortages could wipe out large swaths of humans.  Those are just a couple of scenarios that could happen from stuff here on Earth, but what about the stuff we have no control over.

We could be hit by a meteor the size of Texas causing every volcano on Earth to erupt at once sending us into a perpetual winter.  Then there is the ever scary supernova which could happen from our own Sun or a nearby star and there is nothing we can do about it.  There are hypervelocity stars (rogue stars zipping around the universe) that could ram us or what about rogue black holes that we literally would not see coming.  I guess that humans could finally figure out interstellar travel and move to another planet if we are threatened by such things.

But really, it doesn't matter if we declare peace or evolve enough to escape the Earth's fury or the eventual explosion of our sun, there is always the fact that the universe as a whole will eventually implode on itself and all life will cease to exist.  It's a scary thought to know that no matter what we do, humans WILL go extinct one day.  Well, have a happy day!

"Damn it.  Well, I guess Bruce Willis failed."

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