Friday, April 27, 2012

Mason at the Beach

In order to tell you about my awesome nephew Mason's trip to the beach, I have to tell you another story to set the tone. This first story starts at his older brother’s football practice, if you can call what 5 year olds practice football. Anyways, when the older siblings “practice”, the younger kids go goof around somewhere the parents can watch both groups. My sister was sitting with all the other parents when she happens to glance over at Mason’s group and sees him standing in the middle of them with his pants down taking a leak. The rest of parents see this and start laughing and my sister says, “When you gotta go, you gotta go” and everyone gets a good laugh out of that.

I told you that story to tell you an even better one. One summer, my sister and her family went to the beach with a couple of other families for a nice vacation. One night, all the parents and kids went out on the beach to go “crab hunting” and the adults were equipped with hand flashlights and the kids with flashlight headbands (I’m totally asking Santa for one of those). When they hit the beach, the group spreads out to cover more ground until at one point, someone spots a crab and everyone gathers around to look at it. As everyone is staring at the crab, suddenly Mason pushes his way through the group to check it out. Now, Mason pushing people out of the way is nothing new, but the fact that he was butt-ass naked was something strange. What was even funnier was that he was completely naked except he was still wearing his flashlight headband. Typical Mason. When asked why he wasn’t wearing anything, he said that he got sand in his pants and took them off and when asked where he put them, he said he had no idea. So just like that, the night went from crab hunting to clothes hunting. That kid is classic.

"That's Mason.  Naked.  On his bike."

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