Tuesday, August 6, 2013

Commercial Campaigns That Need To Go Away

There are some commercial campaigns on TV that have long gone past their expiration date.  Oddly enough, the one where that guy interviews some kids is still funny despite there being one every single commercial break.  However, I compiled a list of some commercials that really need to go away.  Let's do this:
  • Flo - I think Flo is advertising insurance or something, but I have no idea what insurance company it is for, so obviously this commercial is not doing its job.  In any case, Flo is really getting on my nerves.  She seems to show up constantly and stopped being funny (not that she ever was) long ago.  Put a stop to this lady as soon as possible, random insurance company.
  • Vikings - Capitol One has had these guys pillaging (and I assume raping) for way too long.  How long has this gimmick been on the air?  It feels like a decade and that is about 9 years too long.
  • Geico Gecko - Seriously Geico, I think you guys have been milking this little guy long enough.  Do you not have any other ideas?  Hell, at this point I would welcome back the Geico Cavemen.
  • CarFax Car Fox - And this is the third insurance company on this list, do these guys all have the same marketing people?  The Car Fox is annoying and pointless.  And now that I think about it, I guess CarFax isn't an insurance company.  Plus, does anyone ever actually use these guys?
  • Astronauts - The astronaut meme in commercials started only back in February with that Axe commercial during the Super Bowl and since then I have seen astronauts in Charter, Old Spice, Cheeto, and Burger King ads.  Put an end to this thing before it really gets out of hand.
  • Messin' With Sasquatch - Leave that damn Sasquatch alone.  It was funny the first time you tortured him, but they must be on their 100th different prank by now.  Plus, don't you think that big guy would stop trusting humans by now?  How dumb is he?
"Is it me or did Jack Link's steal the bigfoot costume from the movie Harry and the Hendersons?"


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