Sunday, August 11, 2013

Stupid State Laws - South Carolina 3

Here comes another post about a state law that still exists on the books and why it is ridiculous (to see them all, click here):

South Carolina

"It is a capitol offense to inadvertently kill someone while attempting suicide."

I'm sorry but this law brings to mind one very big question - what if the offender is successful?  I know suicide isn't a subject anyone should joke about, but this law does baffle me.  If someone inadvertently kills someone else while committing suicide and that person does actually succeed, are they still charged with the crime of murder?  And if they are charged with a capitol offense, what exactly is the punishment?  They are already dead.  On top of that, if someone doesn't succeed in their suicide attempt and kills someone on accident, isn't the punishment of death exactly what they were trying to do anyways and therefore actually did succeed in killing themselves?  Yeah, kind of a pointless law.  If anything, they should make sure the offender is locked up for life in a padded cell and forced to live out their life to the fullest.  So stupid.

"There is no way to make a photo about suicide funny, so here is John Travolta shooting that guy in the face in Pulp Fiction with his eyes closed instead."

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