Sunday, August 18, 2013

Stupid State Laws - South Carolina 4

Here comes another post about a state law that still exists on the books and why it is ridiculous (to see them all, click here):

South Carolina

"When approaching a four way or blind intersection in a non-horse driven vehicle you must stop 100 ft from the intersection and discharge a firearm into the air to warn horse traffic."

I really hope this law is still in effect because I broke it four times just running to the gas station this afternoon.  Wow, this is just hilariously stupid.  But why does the motor vehicle have to warn the horse traffic?  It's not like the guy on the horse will be going nearly as fast as the motor vehicle.  On top of that, don't they have stop signs?  Do you really need to warn anybody if you have to stop at a stop sign?  No.  You don't.  Sure, this law may have been created back when stop signs didn't exist but I looked it up and they were standardized in 1922.  Cars couldn't have been around that long when the stop sign showed up and this being South Carolina, cars probably didn't show up until like the 60's (it is the South).  This law is hilarious and I would love to see a cop enforce it today.

"No, we are not arresting you because you are black, sir.  We arresting you because you didn't fire a weapon in the air before entering that intersection back there like the law says......and because you are black.  This is the South after all."

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