Tuesday, September 3, 2013

Best Movie Cameos

As I like to do on occasion, I decided to make another fun list.  Today's list will be composed of the Best Movie Cameos.  The parts I picked are more or less my favorite movie cameos and not necessarily the actual best cameos ever, but what are you going to do?  Also, I listed them from my least favorite to most favorite.  Let's do this:
  • Steve Buscemi (Billy Madison) - If you don't remember Steve being in this movie, well, he played the really small part of being a guy that Billy Madison bullied in high school and Billy calls him towards the end of the movie to apologize for being a dick.  Then Steve puts on some lipstick and then later shoots the bad guy at the end to save Billy.  It was priceless.
  • David Bowie (Zoolander) - I could have gone with any of the many cameos in this movie like Billy Zane, Fabio, or David Duchovny.  But I picked David Bowie because it was so random and the "Walk-Off" scene was so funny.
  • Christopher Walken (Pulp Fiction) - Come on, the scene where he talks about having to stick a watch up his ass while a prisoner of war was great, how could I not pick this cameo?
  • Tom Cruise (Tropic Thunder) - Cruise's role in this movie might not necessarily count as a cameo, but it was really funny when you figured out that the guy in the hairy fat suit yelling obscenities was Tom Cruise and that has to count for something.
  • Bob Saget (Half Baked) - "I used to suck dick for coke!"  That's all that needs to be said. 
  • Ryan Reynolds (Ted) - Okay, I saw this movie recently and it was what got me to write this post.  Ryan Reynolds is only in this movie for about 5 seconds and has no lines, but he was still hilarious and I had to put him on the list.
  • Bob Barker (Happy Gilmore) - You all knew this one was coming.  I recently wrote about how Bob only did this movie because he found out that he got to kick Adam Sandler's ass and that whole scene was awesome just because of Dirty Ol' Bob.
  • Matt Damon (Eurotrip) - I don't know if many people actually saw this movie and that makes Matt Damon's part that much more spectacular.  Just look at him down there, you know he had a blast playing the lead singer of a band who bangs high school girls.
"He's almost unrecognizable.  Love it."

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