Friday, September 20, 2013

Who Is This? Part 2

Anybody?  You can do this, I believe in you!  Figured it out yet?  No.  It's a tough one so I will give you a hint - he won the first pod race he ever competed in.  Yes, that is Jake Lloyd, better known as the kid who played Anakin Skywalker in Star Wars: Episode I - The Phantom Menace.

What in the hell happened to that kid?  Well, it turns out that he received so much shit from Star Wars fans for his part in The Phantom Menace that he resented ever taking the role and has only done one movie since.  Can you blame him, nerds can be relentless when it comes to their beloved Star Wars and I would want to crawl into a hole if I was a kid when every dork in the world called you a doucheturd (or whatever it is that nerds say).  Then again, I guess that even as a kid, you could beat up all of those nerds....unless they brought their fake lightsabers with them.

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