Wednesday, May 21, 2014

Snail Mail

I'll get right into it - why do big companies still rely on using regular mail to do business?  I requested a document from my mortgage company and they sent me an email saying that they would send the response in a letter in 10-14 days.  What the hell!!!  Just email me like a normal person.  The other day I paid my car loan by phone so I wouldn't have to deal with mailing a check.  They then sent me a letter of confirmation of the transaction - why would they do that?  Are they worried that someone else paid my bill?  Who cares - it got paid didn't it?  And if they sent it to via email, I could have just printed it out if they really wanted me to have a physical copy.  In the words of Mitch Hedburg, when someone sends stupid mail "it's kinda like saying 'Here, you throw this away'".

Are you telling me that as big as these companies are they cannot spend the money to maintain internet security!?!?  There is no reason why everything can't be done by phone and email.  Why these large companies would not want to do this and save time and money by not sending things via snail mail is beyond me.  Get it together corporate america - the Internets are here!

"The Internets - only used for porn since 1995."

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