Thursday, May 1, 2014

NOKW - 300

Here comes the next chapter in our "I'm Okay With, I'm Not Okay With" series where I point out things in a movie I can tolerate and then one thing I just couldn't (if you want, click here for all of the past posts):

Movie:  300

Basic Plot:  The story of a bunch of scantily clad dudes killing a bunch of bad guys.

I'm Okay With:  The fact that these guys are considered hardcore warriors and yet fight in nothing but glorified speedos and a cape.  The fact that Spartan kids are not traumatized after going through their warrior upbringing.  The fact that Leonidas would just kick a dude down a well for delivering a message.  The fact that Michael Fassbender, aka the young Magneto, is in this movie.  The fact that Lena Headley, aka Cersai Lannister, plays Leonidas' wife in this movie.  The fact that even though I know this is based on a graphic novel, having monsters part of the fight makes no sense of a real historical event.  The fact that anyone would be okay with hauling their leader around on a super huge, super heavy throne.

I'm Not Okay With:  The fact that there are more than 300 guys.  Yup, there were more than 300, therefore the title is a lie.  As soon as our title group sets off, they run into some Arcadians and Greeks who join their army.  You remember the scene, it's where Leonidas asks them what profession each one is, they respond things like baker and farmer, and then he asks his group what profession they are and they all yell something that I assume means warrior.  So, what does 300 plus another group of guys equal?  More than 300.  I am not okay with that.

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