I think I have mentioned once that I was shocked to find out that Chuck Norris is way older than you would think. So, I decided to do a little research and find some other surprising ages of big-name celebrities. Let's take a look:
- William Shatner (81) - I know Captain Kirk has been around for quite some time, but 81? I did not see that coming.
- Samuel L. Jackson (64) - I guess his role in Django Unchained actually makes a lot more sense now that I found out how old he really is.
- Chuck Norris (73) - I did a post on this one awhile back, but it still shocks me.
- Harrison Ford (70) - did you know they are talking about doing another Indiana Jones movie? Now that you know he is 70, that really makes that role seem that much less believable.
- Paul Hogan (73) - Crocodile Dundee is 73? When did that happen? I remember him from my childhood as being a badass, so how old does that make the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles?
- James Earl Jones (82) - the voice of Darth Vader has been pulling in Social Security for far longer than I thought.
- Liam Neeson (60) - those Taken movies made him look so kickass, but knowing he is 60 kind of takes away from that role now.
- Brent Spiner (64) - you remember Data from Star Trek: The Next Generation, right? Well, he is 64 and no one but nerds could have known that.
- Brad Pitt (50) - not really that shocking, but still makes you wonder if you can bag hotties like Angelina Jolie at that age. The answer is no.
- Jack McBrayer (39) - Kenneth the Page from 30 Rock is almost 40, I could have sworn he wasn't a day over 25.
I guess you will notice that there are no women on this list and that is probably because most actresses kind of stop getting work after a certain age and we never hear from them again. Meanwhile, most actors seem to age better and continue to find work well after you would think they should still be driving a car.
"Now that I see a picture of him from his time as Crocodile Dundee, he really looked pretty old back then, too." |
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