Here comes the second edition of Truly Random Brainfart Thoughts (
click here to see the others). Basically, these are a bunch of random thoughts that came to mind that I couldn't really expand on and thought I should just make them into list form for your enjoyment. Here goes:
- Who do you think pays more for clothes on a monthly basis - Superman or The Hulk?
- On Lost, the Island's protector goes from Jacob's fake mother to Jacob to Jack to Hurley. And we know that Hurley dies (because he is there at the end), so who is protecting the Island now?
- Where does Batman park his Batmobile when out fighting crime in the city that no one will find it and either mess with it or just wait for him to return so that they can capture or fight him?
- Why do I have one eyebrow hair that grows way longer than the rest of them?
- Why is Superman depicted as really muscular in comic books and the TV cartoon series, but just a normal dude in the movies?
- Do the Oscar statues already have the winner's name engraved on the statue when they get it on stage or does it happen after they get off stage or does it ever happen at all?
- What exactly is Wolverine's mutant power - that crazy fast healing power or the retractable claws?
- Am I the only one who sees a commercial for Sysco and instantly starts singing "Thong th-thong thong thong!"?
- If Spider-Man uses his fingertips to climb up walls, then how does it work when he is wearing gloves?
- Do business and homes in a comic book universe have Property Insurance that covers for damage due to Superhero v. Supervillain battles? If so, then how in the hell do insurance companies stay in business?
"Unless he goes back and picks that suit back up, you know his clothing bill has to add up and on a reporter's salary that has to kill his budget." |
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