Sunday, May 5, 2013

Stupid State Laws - Oregon

Here comes another post about a state law that still exists on the books and why it is ridiculous (to see them all, click here):

Portland, Oregon

"People may not whistle underwater."

WHAT?!?!  First up, even if you could whistle underwater, why would that be illegal?  In what possible way could whistling underwater hurt anything enough that it had to be made into a law?  I am literally drawing a blank on this law.  It is so beyond stupid, it is now intriguing.  And for that matter, how in the hell does someone enforce this law, let alone actually hear someone whistling underwater?  Go whistle in you bathtub right now and tell me if you hear anything.  No, you didn't hear shit.  In fact, I don't  even think it is possible to whistle underwater.  Oregon, where in the hell did you come up with this one, I really really want to know.

"If I can't whistle underwater, than how am I supposed to get my pet fish to come to me?  Answer me that, Oregon?"

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