Tuesday, May 14, 2013

NOKW - Die Hard 4

Here comes the next chapter in our "I'm Okay With, I'm Not Okay With" series (if you don't know what this is, click here for all of the past posts):

Movie:  Live Free or Die Hard

Basic Plot:  The fourth (?) flick in the Die Hard franchise.  This time, John McClane has to kill a bunch of cyber terrorists, make sure a computer nerd doesn't die, and save his daughter.  You know, the usual stuff that New York cops do a daily basis.

I'm Okay With:  The fact that once again John McClane is out of his jurisdiction but continues to be able to do what he wants.  The fact that the bad guys send a team of heavily armed men to kill one computer nerd when one dude with a gun would have worked fine.  The fact that the FBI would make McClane drive from New Jersey to Washington DC with a suspect.  The fact that when they show scenes of Washington DC, there are tall buildings in the background when there are no buildings in the capitol taller than the Washington Monument.  The fact that the main building for all the natural gas in the Northeast and the building that stores the nation's financial records were so easy to break into.  The fact that the bad guys were able to blow up the natural gas headquarters so easily with a computer.  The fact that a US military jet would blow up a highway just to take down one truck.  The fact that McClane survives said explosion.  The fact that McClane shoots the bad guy's gun through his own shoulder, killing the bad guy, and showhow McClane is not instantly hospitalized.

I'm Not Okay With:  The fact that McClane would even think to ramp a police car into a helicopter.  Oddly enough, I am okay with the actual act of the police car crashing into the helicopter, but why would McClane even think to ramp a cop car into a helicopter in the first place?  Sure, it worked and was actually pretty awesome, but why that?  Don't you think it would have been easier to find another way to escape?  He was in a tunnel and tunnels have to exits along with numerous side tunnels that McClane could have gone through.  But no, he decides to grab his police car, steer it through a maze of wrecked cars, somehow get it fast enough to ramp, jump out of the car, still get it stay straight enough to perfectly fly off of a toll booth, and destroy a helicopter.  And on top of that, he didn't even manage to kill the one bad guy that was actually shooting at him.  I am not okay with that.

"Somehow I'm okay with the actual act of this happening, just not the initial thought of someone thinking this would actually work."

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