Sunday, January 5, 2014

Stupid State Laws - Washington 9

Here comes another post about a state law that still exists on the books and why it is ridiculous (to see them all, click here):

Seattle, Washington

"You may not carry a concealed weapon that is over six feet in length."

I want you to read that law again.  Now think about the absolute ridiculousness of it.  Even if you were to own a weapon over six feet in length, that's not exactly concealable.  Even if you were Andre the Giant, there is no way that you could walk around with a six foot weapon and it not be noticeable.  You would have a massive bulge running the entire length of your body!  So, why in the hell would anyone need to make a law to make it illegal to conceal weapons over six feet in length?  Oh, and what if you went to court and argued that your weapon was actually six feet in width?  According to that law, that would be perfectly okay.  Washington, every time I think you can't outdo yourself, you throw another stupid law at me.

"Don't give me a thumbs up, sir.  We both know that your sword is over six feet and you are under arrest."
"Yes, but I'm not concealing it."
"Damn it.  Well, then you are under arrest for being a douche."

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