Thursday, March 13, 2014

NOKW - LotR 1

Here comes the next chapter in our "I'm Okay With, I'm Not Okay With" series where I point out things in a movie I can tolerate and then one thing I just couldn't (if you want, click here for all of the past posts):

Movie:  The Lord of the Rings: The Fellowship of the Ring

Basic Plot:  The first movie in Peter Jackson's Lord of the Ring trilogy where we meet all of the characters and the quest gets underway.

I'm Okay With:  The fact that I'm fairly certain that I have watched this movie more than any other movie ever.  The fact that in the opening battle scene, Sauron puts his one weakness into harm's way and promptly gets his fingers cut off and explodes.  The fact that as soon as Bilbo gives up the ring, he starts to look his true age, but Gollum was already 500 years old when he lost the ring and yet didn't age a day in-between losing the ring and showing up in this movie.  The fact that the instant Frodo puts on the ring, Sauron is able to find him, but when Bilbo put it on a couple days before, nothing happens.  The fact that the Nazgul can sense the ring and yet can't ever seem to find it.  The fact that half of the fellowship was comprised of hobbits, the most useless of the group.  The fact that even though Gandalf is a badass, a Balrog should have easily kicked his ass.  The fact that Sean Bean dies in the most glorious of fashion of any of his 25 movie deaths.  The fact that Aragorn, Legolas, and Gimli just let two worthless hobbits proceed to Mordor on their own.

I'm Not Okay With:  The fact that during the opening scene we see Sauron wearing the Ring of Power on the battlefield and he isn't invisible.  Everyone that wears the ring throughout the movie instantly turns invisible when they put it on and yet Sauron doesn't.  Sure, he made it and can probably control it, but wouldn't it make even more sense for him to be invisible during a huge battle?  He could run around and decimate his foes with his kick-ass mace, but no, his ego got in the way and he stayed visible and look where that got him.  I am not okay with that.

"You have two options here, Sauron.  1) Use your other non-ring wearing hand to kill the dude who has a sword nearby or 2) go invisible and murder him.  You decided to go with option 3 and look how that turned out."

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