Friday, December 12, 2014

Movie Trailer Review - Exodus

This is not a review of the trailer, but a review of this movie based entirely on this movie's trailer.  I have a special talent of being able to figure out whether a movie will be any good based just on the trailer and I'm finally putting that talent to good use.  Screw you, it's a real talent.

I'm not even going to preface this one.  This movie looks like a total piece of shit.  And that's coming from a guy who loves him some Christian Bale.  But come on, you expect me to believe that Batman looks in any way like a guy from the Middle East?  Not a chance.  Sure, this, uhhh, "true" story makes for a good movie material with its locusts, frogs, plagues, and Red Sea parting, but I just don't buy it.  Don't go see this unless you are really into this sort of thing.

Estimated Opening Weekend Box Office Gross - $30 million

What Kind of Fart This Movie Will Resemble:

The Burning Brakes Fart - A silent fart identified by odor alone. Usually and adult fart, occurring while the adult is driving a car or has a front seat passenger who farts. The Burning Brakes Fart actually does smell a little like burning brakes, and seems to hang around longer than most farts Which gives whoever farted a chance to make a big show of checking to see if the emergency brake has been left on. When he finds it hasn't you know who farted. A common automobile fart.

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