Wednesday, December 12, 2012

A Christmas Irony

These times are times of irony.  Slapstick funny isn't funny.  Double meanings and ironic situations are funny - just ask Modern Family and Arrested Development.  This comedy has infiltrated society via t-shirts, the internet, songs, and more.  People even compete on Instagram to take the funniest most ironic pictures.  Given all that, why not extend it to the holidays?  Let's get ironic Christmas cards contest started!  We already have awkward family photos which bring joy to thousands every day, why can't you spread joy amongst your friends with some hilarious/awkward/ironic/creepy Christmas cards.  In a time in history where milking is a thing (where people pour a gallon of milk on their heads-that's it. Bam! - a million views!) surely this can turn into the biggest cool thing to do for a two-week period every year.  Don't forget to think about the future when you can embarrass your kids with ironic Christmas cards from the past.  Be a leader - start this year.  I'm so non-conformist I'm not going to conform with the non-conformists, I'll do it!

"Nailed it."

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