Monday, December 17, 2012

NOKW - The Bourne Identity

Here comes the next chapter in our "I'm Okay With, I'm Not Okay With" series (if you don't know what this is, click here for all of the past posts):

Movie:  The Bourne Identity

Basic Plot:  Jason Bourne's first movie where he tries to figure out who he is, bangs a hot chick, does some awesome driving stunts, and shoots/beats up a lot of people.

I'm Okay With:  The fact that getting shot in the back somehow causes amnesia.  The fact that Treadstone keeps sending just one guy to go after their best agent ever and thinking that will get the job done.  The fact that Bourne is able to outrun the police in the crappiest car imaginable.  The fact that Bourne tells the head of Treadstone to come alone to their meeting but anyone with crappy eyesight could have seen he was wearing a wire in his ear and that there were way too many suspicious bystanders murking about.  The fact that it took Treadstone three hours to wipe clean their computers when they were trying to shutdown shop in Paris.  The fact that falling down ten flights of stairs doesn't injure Jason Bourne more than just slowing him down for a couple of seconds.  The fact that the hot chick finally settles down, creates a new life for herself, and opens up a successful shop on the sea and she has no problems throwing that all away the instant Jason shows up and seems okay with going on the run for the rest of her life as evidenced by the start of the sequel.

I'm Not Okay With:  The fact that Jason Bourne is the only Treadstone agent stationed in Europe that doesn't look like he could actually be from the country he is stationed in.  Throughout the movie, you are introduced to a bunch of the other Treadstone agents who are stationed in Europe and each and every one of them looks like they could blend into a crowd in the respective country in which they operate.  However, Matt Damon's character is the French agent and he looks about as French as Jackie Chan.  Sure, you could say that maybe after losing his memory he forgets about speaking in French.  The problem is that we know that's not the case because he goes back to his apartment in Paris and talks to his landlady in English and she doesn't seem surprised by that nor asks why he is suddenly American.  The German agent looks German, the British agent looks British, the Spanish agent looks Spanish, but the French agent (aka Jason Bourne) looks like he just stepped off the streets of Boston and Treadstone never thought to pick a better agent for his posting.  I am not okay with that.

"This is what a French guy should look like."

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