Monday, December 24, 2012

NOKW - Die Another Day

Here comes the next chapter in our "I'm Okay With, I'm Not Okay With" series (if you don't know what this is, click here for all of the past posts):

Movie:  Die Another Day

Basic Plot:  The last and (by far) worst of the Pierce Bronson James Bond movies.  In this edition, 007 fights some British dude who used to be an Asian dude and his buddy with a diamond-encrusted face.

I'm Okay With:  The fact that Pierce Bronson doesn't have any real dialogue in the entire movie, he basically only says a witty one-liner followed by an action scene, then another one-liner and action scene, and then rinse and repeat throughout the whole movie.  The fact that a North Korean army base just so happened to have a hovercraft when a hovercraft might be the worst military vehicle in history to own.  The fact that they thought an invisible car would be cool and not just stupid.  The fact that the bad guy was an Asian guy who got plastic surgery to make him look British and somehow was also able to mask his Asian accent perfectly.  The fact that the bad guy's plan was to destroy South Korea with a giant space laser and never thought that the rest of world would just blow him up for not only owning the giant space laser but also for invading another country.  The fact that no one bothers to shot the bad guy's plane out of the air way sooner than they finally did during the final fight scene.

I'm Not Okay With:  The fact that Halle Berry can't escape from her room while trapped in an ice hotel that is melting all around her.  Think about that.  She is in an ice hotel and the whole thing is melting around her and she is trapped in her room.  Hell, not only can't she get out, but the room is filling up with water so there has to be a hole somewhere in the room that she could squeeze through.  And sure, they show her throw a chair against the door and that doesn't break it, but do you know what else that room had?  Fucking windows.  Even then, the whole damn hotel is melting and her door is the only thing not melting.  Did she never think to just try one of the melting walls?  No.  What a stupid plot device.  In the end, she had to wait until James bust through the door with a fucking car in order to escape.  I am not okay with that.

"And she didn't even think to use her big beautiful fake boobs to bash that door down."

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