Tuesday, December 18, 2012

Tom Cruise

Have you ever actually looked at Tom Cruise's smile?  And no, I'm not talking about in a gay way or anything because he is what you would call good-looking.  I'm talking about how his entire mouth is, well, off center.  Just look at that thing:

Yeah, his teeth are all sorts of fucked up and it's a wonder he ever broke into Hollywood in the first place.  Not only is he pretty short (5'7) but he also has the most off-kilter smile I have ever seen.  My only guess is that it was a lot easier to break into the business back in the 80's.  Then again, did you know his real name is Thomas Cruise Mapother IV?  So, you can only assume he comes from some serious money with a name like that and his family was probably able to buy his way into acting despite those goofy teeth.  Oh, and in case you were wondering, this is what Tom looked like when he was younger:


  1. I noticed his teeth in close-ups on his movies. I noticed... I have teeth like his! They are off-center because my k9 on one side did not grow in properly. Who really gives a crap? lol...just goes to show celebrities are human too!
