Sunday, November 9, 2014

Stupid State Laws - Georgia 7

Here comes another post about a state law that still exists on the books and why it is ridiculous (to see them all, click here):


"Cars may not be driven through playgrounds."

Another stupid law that should be chalked up to common sense.  First off, why would any sane person drive through a playground?  And second, how many crazy people drove through playgrounds legally until someone had to make a law about it?  I would love to have seen some loony bastard arguing in court how he didn't break a crime when he drove his car through the monkey bars and pushed the swings with his bumper.  As long as he didn't break anything, he was perfectly in his rights to drive through a playground.....until they actually had to make a law against it.  They really should just make a law against stupidity and get it over with.

"Look rookie, this punk is driving through a playground."
"Sarge, I don't think...."
"Don't think rookie, leave that to me.  Now arrest this guy and let's get out of here so I can take a nap while pretending to radar speeding idiots."

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