Sunday, October 19, 2014

Stupid State Laws - Florida 17

Here comes another post about a state law that still exists on the books and why it is ridiculous (to see them all, click here):


"You cannot use a whistle on a bicycle."

Florida, you truly are one of a kind.  Why would this matter at all?  Sure, it could be annoying for people to have to hear some jackass using a whistle on a bike, but it doesn't stop just any random person from using a whistle.  Does this law forbid drunken idiots from walking around using a whistle?  Nope.  So, what's the point of stopping only people on bikes?  Plus, wouldn't it be a good idea to have someone on a bike use a whistle?  They could whistle if a car is about to merge into them or to warn bystanders that aren't paying attention that they are coming.  Florida, did you even think this one through for more than a minute before putting into the books?  I'm guessing no, but then again, thinking has never been that state's strong point.  Alcohol and stupidity is more in their wheelhouse.

"Rookie, what does the law say about stupid horns on bicycles?"
"Nothing that I know of, Sarge."
"Hmmmm.  Well, let's arrest the owner of this thing anyways, just in case."
"Sounds reasonable to me."

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