Thursday, April 17, 2014

NOKW - Wanted

Here comes the next chapter in our "I'm Okay With, I'm Not Okay With" series where I point out things in a movie I can tolerate and then one thing I just couldn't (if you want, click here for all of the past posts):

Movie:  Wanted

Basic Plot:  I'm not entirely sure, but Professor X is recruited to be an elite assassin and has to kill his dad for some stupid reason.

I'm Okay With:  Nothing.  Absolutely nothing

I'm Not Okay With:  The fact that I don't know where to begin.  The fact that Professor X is so damned whiny and I want to punch his character in the dick.  The fact that they don't seem to understand how physics work, bullets should not be able to do that.  The fact that I still don't know why Morgan Freeman agreed to do this movie.  The fact that they possess a magic elixir that heals all wounds in days and the rest of the world has yet to stumble upon this.  The fact that I forgot Chris Pratt is in this movie.  The fact that the age difference between Professor X and Angelina was clearly obvious and I don't why they thought that would make for a good love interest plot.  The fact that at no point are the cops called despite there being approximately a million gun fights.  The fact that the plot is beyond dumb.  The fact that Professor X at one point runs through a room in a straight line with 30 people all shooting at him at close range and not only is he not hit once, but he kills all of them.  The fact that a dude is able to deflect bullets with a knife.  The fact that I still don't know why Angelina killed everyone of the other assassins and herself at the end.

"Angelina Jolie is 39 years old, but she looks a lot older to me and this movie was made 6 years ago."

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