Sunday, January 11, 2015

Stupid State Laws - Hawaii

Here comes another post about a state law that still exists on the books and why it is ridiculous (to see them all, click here):


"No child can be given the name “Charles”."

Okay.....well......ummm......WHAT?!?  Why in the fuck not?  Sure, I could see why maybe the original inhabitants of the island would want to have more traditional names for their kids, but what about the rest of the residents of Hawaii?  Do they not get a say in naming their children?  And why only "Charles"?  This makes no sense.  Damn Hawaii, you have baffled me on the first stupid law we have covered, so I can only assume there is more stupidity to come.

"Look at that smug bastard, rookie.  He is in for a world of hurt!"
"Sarge, I think his name is Charlie."
"How many damn times do I have to remind you to leave the thinking to me?"
Sorry, Sarge."

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